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Re: Probate questionIn Reply to: Probate question posted by Jane M on November 02, 2009 at 9:43 AM Jane Your post gave me a flashback. Grandma died and 3 siblings were selling her home as the sole heirs. When I was doing my due diligence I found Grandma bought the property with her second husband but the quit claim deed she used to transfer his share was created and signed two weeks after the date of his death certificate, good trick. So now his heir's could crawl out of the woodwork. Plus when Grandma made her will there were 5 siblings and their share of the estate would pass on to the estate of each if they died. So the 3 siblings were trying to cut out their nieces and nephews. So don't assume anything, the listing agent thought everything was fine, the siblings attorney who was never shown any will thought everything was fine. The siblings just thought there was little chance of anyone finding out about anything and would split the loot. But I checked Grandma's husband's estate and found out they had a joint will and upon the death of one, the intent of the dead spouse can't be changed subsequently even though Grandma tried with a new will. BTI
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